Project Pricing

At VIP Services Inc. we offer an extensive amount of pricing options for all projects. We look to make your dreams come true! Is budget an issue? We also offer financing options for all projects!


Over many years of remodeling, we’ve found that many clients are concerned about being able to “live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level”, commonly defined as Aging In Place. This is also a consideration for family...

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Proper Prep. Steps & Repair Costs

When looking to repaint your home's exterior, for any Sachse Texas neighborhood, there are many things to consider, including the quality of the paint, the preparation for the home, and the type of materials used in...


Considerations and Costs

At VIP Services, Inc., we have been providing Tub-To-Shower Renovations for 20+ years in Allen, Texas, and understand that most clients have never had bathroom makeover prior. Due to this, they are often...


With over 20 years of experience with kitchen remodels in Allen, Texas, VIP Services, Inc. has found that most of our clients have never had a kitchen renovation completed, so they usually have many questions about budgeting and the range of costs...


Here at VIP Services, Inc., we’ve been remodeling bathrooms for the past 20+ years in the Murphy, Wylie and...

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So you’ve decided to remodel your primary bathroom shower either because the builder grade shower is leaking, you’ve had some foundation settling, or because it’s just time for a new modern look. In any case, there are many factors that will affect the overall renovation cost from tile...
